The NYSOA's 2019-2021 Strategic Plan was developed by a diverse group of members and leadership during a facilitated planning session held in the summer of 2018. It is a living document that will inform the decision-making of the NYSOA over the next three years and act as a guide for our association staff, leadership, and partners to further our mission and vision.
The NYSOA's 2019-2021 Strategic Plan is organized around four major goals:
Membership Development
Advocacy & Positioning (Legislative/Regulatory)
Outreach/Communications/External Relations
A New Paradigm: Leadership & Operations
To support each of these objectives, the plan outlines specific strategies and actions. As we begin to implement the Plan, we will also develop interim benchmarks to evaluate our progress and provide an opportunity to adjust course where needed. We invite NYSOA members and stakeholders to review the Strategic Plan and join us in incorporating it into the association's operations and culture. We appreciate your support and look forward to the new opportunities to engage members in promoting the NYSOA's mission and advancing the profession of optometry in New York State.