In keeping with the NYSOA's 2019-2021 Strategic Plan, we are excited to present NYSOA members with a variety of new volunteer opportunities within our refreshed committee structure. Now is a great time to get more involved and we invite you to bring your skills and talents to the NYSOA!

Whether you want to be a leader or simply lend a helping hand, we have an opportunity for you. Our members’ expertise in the areas of membership, advocacy, education & programming, marketing, and technology will allow us to continue our success.

Please review the committee descriptions below and fill out a committee interest form to sign up!


Awards Committee

Goals: Review and select award winners to be approved by the Board of Trustees
Mission: To propose candidates for NYSOA annual awards


Brand, Communications and Outreach Committee
Chair: Viola Kanevsky, OD

Goals: Develop internal and external messaging that is unified and representative of our association and our profession and develop effective and relevant avenues of communication to our members, non-members, professional entities and the public.

Mission: To provide a strong brand for our association, while improving communications to our members and prospective members, as well as other professional entities and the public.



Matthew Allen, OD
Ken Sorkin, OD, FAAO
Deborah Wang, OD
Elsa Sheerer, OD

Conference and Education Committee (includes IVC and CE Pass)
Chair: Alyssa Putman, OD

Goals: Bring high quality education to those seeking continuing education credit and creating an in-person annual conference that brings together optometrists across NY state and those visiting from other states to unify the profession through education, networking, and social events.  

Mission: To provide high quality education and avenues for professional engagement, both virtually and in-person, to in-state and out-of-state optometrists.


Chris Shiomos, OD
Mark Parsons, OD, FAAO
Angela Marx, OD
Viola Kanevsky, OD
Fran Reinstein, OD
Deborah Wang, OD
Christina Chan, OD
Inrava Khasnabish, OD
Saysha Blazier, OD, FAAO

Finance Committee
Chair: Angela Marx, OD

Goals: To provide recommendations for a healthy operating budget, while exploring savings and investment strategies that would benefit the financial health of the association long-term.

Mission: To assess the financial health of the association with analysis, advice and oversight to the operations and savings budget.



Christopher Shiomos, OD
Angela Marx, OD

Health Equity and Inclusive Excellence Committee
Chair: Joy Harewood OD

To collaborate across the New York State Optometric Association's (NYSOA) organizational structure to create pathways to the optometric profession for individuals with diverse identities; to recruit and retain members from backgrounds that are underrepresented in optometry (URiO), and to develop leaders and promote health equity

 Goals:  Mentorship and pathway programs for prospective optometry students, Recruit and retain members with diverse identities, Develop resources for NYSOA members and leaders, and Support leadership development for members with diverse identities.

Ben Arthur, OD, M.S.
Tomara Young, OD
Diane Calderon, OD, FAAO
Damaris Raymondi, OD
Anney Joseph, OD
Daniel Diamond, OD, FAAO


Legislative Committee
Chair: Ken Sorkin, OD, FAAO

Goals: Outline and prioritize the legislative agenda for our legislative team, Collaborate with members and non-members in legislative outreach to strengthen political relationships, and Create avenues of communication with the general membership and public. 

Mission: To advocate and advance our profession while identifying issues that affect our profession and the patients we serve. 


Matthew Allen, OD
Mark Parsons, OD, FAAO
Michael McGovern, OD, FAAO
Shelby Leach, OD, FAAO
Jeffrey Calhoun, OD, FAAO
Jason Compton, OD, FAAO
Frank Pirozzolo, OD
Michael Bywater, OD
Marina Su, OD, FAAO
Ray Pirozzolo, OD
Sonia Valle, OD

Membership Committee
Chair: Angela Marx, OD

Goals: Strengthen value proposition of NYSOA membership programs through effective programs and study and craft an effective outreach plan for students to address 5th year drop off. Launching membership drives to find new members, retain current members, and bring back lapsed or past members.
Mission:  To provide valuable services and resources to our members while also recruiting prospective members in our state.




Gina Cardone, OD
Alyssa Putman, OD
Corinne Blum, OD, FAAO
Sylvia Ren, OD
Saysha Blazier, OD, FAAO
Jay Yoon, OD
Joshua Rogers, OD, FAAO
Viola Kanevsky, OD

New Technologies Committee
Chair: Hanish Patel, OD, FAAO

Goals: Provide resources to our doctors that are relevant both as employers and as employees, Provide a non-industry sponsored space to discuss technologies freely, To identify any technologies where a doctor-patient relationship may be breached and to collaborate with Board of Trustees and the Legislative Committee in addressing these concerns. 

Mission: To objectively research and compile information on current and new technologies that are related to eye care to help the everyday practitioner, while also understanding trends in the profession and healthcare industry



Ryan Winters, OD
Pratik Patel, OD
Silvia Ren, OD
Rita Ellent, OD, FAAO
Kathy Nguyen, OD

Newsletter and Communications Task Force Committee

Goals: To improve readership, Highlight and create more transparency with the work of our volunteer leaders, members, and association, and to allow sponsors the proper avenue to reach our readership as our industry sponsors. 
Mission: To switch the current quarterly newsletter-style issues (Prospectus) to a more frequently disseminated newsletter with a 5-7 minute read layout in a visual-email format.


Nominating Committee

Goals: Seek out and encourage potential candidates, Interview candidates, Issue a Report of qualified candidates 
Mission: To propose candidates for positions as officers of the society

Third Party Committee
Chair: Richard Soden, OD, FAAO






Milly Mui, OD
Ray Pirozzolo, OD
Matt Bovenzi, OD, FAAO, Dipl ABO
Michael Bywater, OD


Young Advocates Committee
Chair: Victoria Hansen, OD, Alyssa Fortuna, OD, and Deborah Wang, OD



Goals: Develop a professional network for individuals who may not already have one, while leveraging the resources of the state to assist in their objectives and collaborate with other state associations in serving as a liaison for those who have graduated 10 years or less.
Mission: Using peer to peer outreach to welcome and engage doctors who are less than 10 years out from graduation, including optometric residents, entering each local region throughout New York State through social events and programming that is relevant as well as providing avenues to serve in leadership positions either in the state committee structure or local society boards.


Deborah Wang, OD- Downstate Chair (OSCONY/Nassau/Suffolk)
Alyssa Fortuna, OD - Upstate West Chair (Central, Rochester, Southern Tier, Western, South Central)
Victoria Hansen, OD - Upstate East Chair (WRPOS, Hudson Valley, Eastern, Mohawk Valley, Northern)
Emily Topi, OD (NYC)
Timothy Yuan, OD (Long Island)
Joshua Rogers, OD, FAAO (Upstate-Buffalo/Rochester)
Jennifer , OD (Central)
Julianne Shelton, OD (Central)
Brandon Harnos, OD (Hudson Valley)